Welcome to NetWorthCheck.org! We care about your privacy and want to keep you safe. Here’s how we protect your information.
What Information We Collect:
- When you visit our site, we may collect some basic information like your name and email if you sign up for updates.
- We also collect information about how you use our site to make it better for you.
How We Use Your Information:
- We use your information to send you news and updates.
- We use it to improve our site and make it more fun and useful for you.
Sharing Your Information:
- We do not share your personal information with anyone else.
- We only use your information to make your experience on our site better.
- We use cookies to remember your preferences and make our site work better.
- Cookies are small pieces of data stored on your device when you visit our site.
Your Choices:
- You can always choose not to share your information with us.
- You can turn off cookies in your browser if you do not want us to use them.
Keeping Your Information Safe:
- We work hard to protect your information and keep it safe from others.
Changes to This Policy:
- Sometimes, we may change this policy to make it better. If we do, we will let you know.
Contact Us:
- If you have any questions about your privacy, you can contact us at hello@networthcheck.org.
Thank you for trusting us with your information. We promise to keep it safe and use it only to make your experience on NetWorthCheck.org the best it can be.